2025-26 Islamic Calendar (1446 Hijri)
The Islamic Calendar, known as the Hijri Calendar, is based on the lunar phase cycle. It takes the moon 29.5 days to orbit around the earth, therefore, all 12 months in the Islamic calendar are either 29 or 30 days long. This results in the Hijri Calendar being roughly 10 days shorter than the Gregorian Calendar every year.
Date | Religious Observance | Significance |
March 1 - March 30 | Ramadan | The month of fasting, contemplation, restrain, and spiritual renewal is when Muslims worldwide fast 29 or 30 days from dawn to sunset. |
March 30 | Eid ul-Fitr | (Religious Holiday) The 1st-3rd of Shawwal marks the first major holiday celebrating the completion of Ramadan. |
June 4 |
Hajj | The 7-12th of Thul-Hijjah marks the annual Hajj, a pilgrimage to Makkah to commemorate the trials and sacrifices of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his family. Muslims embark on this journey at least once in their lifetime if physically and financially able. |
June 5 |
Day of 'Arafah | The 9th of Thul-Hijjah marks the single day when all pilgrims stand on the mount of ‘Arafah in prayers, and those who are not attending the annual Hajj are encouraged to fast that day. |
June 6 | Eid ul-Adha | (Religious Holiday) The 10-12th of Thul-Hijjah marks the second major holiday celebrating the season of hajj/pilgrimage. |
June 26 | Islamic New Year | The 1st of Muharram marks the beginning of the year 1445 Hijri. |