Disability Guidance
Below, you will find some guidance on how to interact with people who have a variety of disabilities.
Below, you will find some guidance on how to interact with people who have a variety of disabilities.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people. It is based upon scientific insights into how humans learn. The application of the principles of UDL improve learning outcomes for all students while also making content more accessible to students who have a variety of disabilities. [need reference]
UDL guidelines provide for multiple means of:
To learn more about UDL, visit:
Ally is a tool that integrates with your Canvas course to provide instructors with insight into the course’s accessibility. Ally automatically scans your original course content for accessibility. Ally does not make any changes to the original content and it does not show the results to students; it works with you to create alternate, accessible course content. For more information, please visit IU’s Ally Instructor Guide.
ADHD is an executive function disorder. ADHD is:
Guidance when working with students with ADHD
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability causes by differences in the brain. Students with ASD may:
ASD students have passionate interests, desire to be correct, and often follow rules diligently.
Guidance when working with ASD students
Approximately 1 in 5 of college-age students have been diagnosed with some type of disability. While some students receive accommodations, not all students have the ability or desire to disclose their disability. Some may not be able to afford the testing required for documentation. Others may feel stigmatized or reject having a label applied to them.
The Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center (ATAC) can show you how to use technology to engage all your learners. We have experience using teaching tools you already know. Matched with the principals of Universal Design for Learning, we can help you ensure that each student realizes their full potential.
Our consultants can help you with:
The experienced consultants at the ATAC can also assist with requests for accommodations that instructors receive from AES or students.
Request a consultation to meet with one of our professionals and learn how to design a more inclusive course today.