Training & Education

Antiracist learning opportunities

From implicit bias training for campus decision-makers to helping faculty design racially inclusive classrooms, creating an antiracist environment at IU Indianapolis is an ongoing process. We continually offer new diversity training and education opportunities that engage students, administrators, staff, faculty, and the wider Indianapolis community.

Implicit bias: What is it?

Implicit biases are defined by the Kirwin Institute as attitudes or stereotypes that are activated unconsciously and involuntarily. They are not the same as biases a person might try to hide because they're unpopular or socially incorrect. Social scientists believe implicit biases are learned as young as age three and may be fueled by stereotypes perpetrated by the media, or beliefs passed along by parents, peers, and other community members. 

Harvard University Project Implicit
Free, online, implicit bias tests are offered by Harvard University’s Project Implicit Program. There are a number of short tests available on the site

Instructor talking to two elementary-age students at science event.
Instructor showing medical model of arm to two students.
Black woman holding notepad in front of audience at event.