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Dr. Amarasinghe is a consultant public health physician with a wide experience in working with multi diverse communities globally. She completed her Doctor of Medicine and Surgery residency in Sri Lanka and her post-doctoral fellowship at IUPUI. After serving the state health sector of Sri Lanka for fifteen years as a medical doctor, she currently works in the Global Health Communication Center at IUPUI. She is actively involved in State Adolescent Health Research in Indiana and public & global health communication teaching activities. Dr. Amarasinghe has gained public health experience in different parts of the globe like India, Japan, and Malaysia through WHO programs. She has a passion for helping different communities deal with a variety of challenges and has served in war affected areas. She is devoted to the service of adolescents and has published several research studies on Adolescent areas of interest. She is a popular health communicator and is well recognized by health journalists and media in Sri Lanka. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband and her teenage daughter, missing her pet “Niki” back home.