Law vs. Antisemitism: Inaugural Conference, Monday, March 14, and Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at IU McKinney School of Law. For more information, contact Professor Robert Katz at The conference program includes the following sessions:
SESSION A: A View From The Bench
Hon. Randall Shepard, IU McKinney and former Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court, “Using State Law and State Constitutions to Fight Antisemitism”
SESSION B: Jewishness and Civil Rights Discourses
Prof. Lila Corwin Berman, Temple University, “Antisemitism in the ‘Golden Land’: Is America Different?”
Prof. James Loeffler, University of Virginia, “Blind Justice: Rethinking Law and Difference in American History”
SESSION C: What Is Antisemitism?
Derek Penslar, Harvard University, “The IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) and JDA (Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism) Definitions Assessed”
SESSION 1: Family Law
SESSION 2: Jews and the Legal Profession in Europe Before WWII
SESSION 3: Legal and Non-Legal Interventions Responses to Campus Antisemitism
SESSION 4: Jewish Lawyers, Criminal Defendants, and Witnesses in Late 19th/Early 20th Century America
SESSION 5: No Space for Jews: Jews, Public Accommodations Law, and Zoning Law
SESSION 6: Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism
SESSION 7: First Amendment Religion Clauses
SESSION 8: Looking (Too) Jewish: Antisemitism and Visual Representations of Jewish Identity
SESSION 9: Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Antisemitism; Jews as Race/Religious Group
SESSION 10: Antisemitism in French Law
SESSION 11: Using Speech Law Against Anti-Semites
SESSION 12: Post-Holocaust Law and Remembrance in Europe
SESSION 13: Author Meets Readers: Jared Goldstein, Real Americans: National Identity, Violence, and the Constitution (2021)
SESSION 14: Jews and Law in Post-WWII America
SESSION 15: Hate Speech and Its Regulation Under the First Amendment
SESSION 16: Boycotts, BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions movement) and Anti-BDS Laws
SESSION 17: Nazi Law
SESSION 18: Christianity and Antisemitism in the History of International Law
SESSION 19: Protecting Jews Under US and UK Civil Rights Law
SESSION 20: Holocaust Reparations Through Law
SESSION 21: Fighting Antisemitism: The View from Indiana